Dr. Postigo specializes in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Hospice and Palliative Care. He is also a certified Medical Director as of 2005. Dr. Postigo has been actively practicing medicine since 1992 and has been licensed to practice medicine in the state of New York since 2006. To verify Dr. Postigo's license and check his profile with the New York State Government please click here.

​Dr. Postigo is bi-lingual and speaks both English and Spanish fluently. Through out his time practicing, he has taken care of patients that do not speak English or Spanish. Dr. Postigo is comfortable taking care of these patients as long as there is an interpreter present at the visit(s) who speaks limited English. At this time we do not provide interpreters.

The Medical House Call MD for Seniors - No Extra Cost!

Senior Medical Care understands how difficult it is for seniors to get out to a doctor's office and then wait in a traditional waiting room. Seniors on a fixed income have a need for quality, affordable care. Sometimes it is also a burden for the families and caregivers to take off work or coordinate transportation to get their parents or loved ones to a medical appointment.

​Due to many recent advances in medical technology our practice is able to offer many of the same services during a home visit as you would receive in a traditional office setting.

Our office ensures that you will be working with a dedicated staff who efficiently handles all your questions and problems. Click here or on 'services' on the navigation bar to see what we are able to do at your home for no extra cost.

Is it Difficult to get to Your Doctor?

​We see patients who are 65 or older in the Rochester, NY area and pride ourselves in offering state-of-the-art medical care in the comfort and privacy of your own home.  

Servicing Monroe and Wayne Counties, see service area map.

Be sure to take a look at the Membership section for more detailed information on the Webster Chamber, such as: fees, upcoming events, benefits, and our application form. And feel free to reach out at 585‐265‐3960 for answers to inquiries not covered on the site. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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