November Newsletter 2022

Insurance Open Enrollment
Health Insurance open enrollment has begun. Please give us a call to set up an appointment!

Power Hour
Friday, December 2nd at 8:00 am via Zoom. Tim Shortsleeve will present "Year-End Tax Planning/Preparation".

Breakfast Before Business
Our next Breakfast Before Business will be on Friday, November 18th at the Webster Recreation Center.

Webster Chamber Members Events!
Drop off your hats, gloves, scarves & socks to the Chamber office or bring them to one of our Chamber events!

Eat Drink & Connect
Join us on Wednesday, November 16th from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm for Eat Drink & Connect at Wireless Zone!
NorthStar Business Funding LLC. - A commercial lendingcompany. Contact Carlo DiPisa at 585-455-6846 or visit their website at:
Simply Crepes - A homespun craft kitchen restaurant located at 1229 Bay Road, Webster. Contact Nicole Williams at 585-236-1056 or visit their website at
The strength of any organization lies in its membership. Thank you for joining. Please add these members to your directory listings.
Health Insurance Open Enrollment
Eat Drink & Connect
Webster Police Training Announcement
If you drive by Willink Middle School this Friday, November 11 and see numerous law enforcement vehicles, don't worry, a crime isn't taking place.
While students and staff are off for Veterans Day, police are taking advantage of the building being empty to conduct training.
Thank you!
Town of Webster Master Plan
Upcoming Chamber Member Events
Lala's Shopping Event for Webster Chamber Members &
PBC Members and their Friends & Family
Support the Webster Museum!
The Webster Museum is participating in this year's ROC THE DAY.
You can support the Webster Museum through ROC THE DAY on November 29th, or show your support right here on the museum website.
The Webster Museum has no admission charge so our primary source of funding is through donations and memberships.
Join without fear. We won't send you SPAM.
Festival of Trees
Ho! Ho! Ho!
The Webster Museum’s annual Tree Festival will officially open Saturday, December 3rd in conjunction with the village’s White Christmas festivities.
Reservations open November 1st for individuals or organizations who wish to decorate a tree for this event.
Please call Sharon at 347-4202 to reserve your tree starting November 1. Reserve early, as spots go fast!
Read Previous Newsletters
September 2020
October 2019
Promote your Business or Organization for FREE at the Peep Show! Go to Link for details.